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Hitachi IE Systems Co.,Ltd. Head Office

Energy and resource saving with a rich ides.

Enhancing to increase the energy use efficiency in the plant through the use of LEDs for lighting, the visualization of the power usage status and air conditioning operation status, as well as promoting resource saving by increasing the waste recycling rate. and we started from the substation facility manufacturing business have been developing and innovate the product which I applied a supervisor control system, a transformer substation protector, security, a power supply, a network, mechatronics, an electronics technology with a rich ideas.

In the establishment, We have promoted the use of LEDs for lighting, visualization of energy and air conditioning operation status applying our company technology, and improvement of air conditioning efficiency by mist spraying and ceramic coating of outdoor unit of air conditioning. As a result, 35% reduction (FY 2017) in crude oil conversion energy consumption in 2010(before earthquake disaster). In addition, about the solid waste, 37% reduction (FY 2017) in 2010 (before earthquake disaster) and ultimate dispose rate is expected less than 0.03%.

Ceramic paint, which was, used for a space shuttle,was applied to air conditioning outdoor unit and refrigerant pipe-laying, and it made a success to improve 30% air conditioning efficiency in winter season and in 20% of summer.

Eco-Factories & Offices Select Certification Item

  • High efficiency lighting
  • Recycling of waste and other resources